Outperforms DNA transfection every time
jetMESSENGER® is a highly efficient and gentle mRNA transfection reagent. mRNA transfection presents many advantages versus DNA transfection:
- no risk of genome integration, hence no genome modification of the transfected cell
- no promoter regulation issue
- no need to reach the nucleus for efficient expression
- more gentle process
jetMESSENGER® has been specifically designed to offer outstanding transfection efficiency in cells that are usually hard to transfect, finally allowing relevant gene expression experiments in almost all cell types (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. jetMESSENGER® outperforms its main DNA transfection reagent competitor. Transfection efficiency was assessed by FACS analysis in various cell lines 24 h after transfection of eGFP mRNA (5meC, pseudo-uridine, Trilink™) or plasmid DNA encoding for eGFP. Conditions were used according to the manufacturers’ recommendation.
Allows higher gene expression than direct competitors
jetMESSENGER® is extremely efficient especially in hard to transfect cells compared to other mRNA transfection reagents (Fig. 2.).
Fig. 2. Higher transfection efficiency using jetMESSENGER® compared to its main competitor. Transfections were performed in various hard-to-transfect cell lines with eGFP mRNA (5meC, pseudo-uridine, Trilink™) using jetMESSENGER® or Lipofectamine® MessengerMAX™. Conditions were used according to the manufacturers’ recommendation. 24 h post-transfection, transfection efficiency was assessed by FACS analysis.
Works on a variety of cell lines
With jetMESSENGER®, achieve outstanding transfection efficiency in a wide variety of cell lines, from adherent and suspension cancer cells, to sensitive primary cells and neurons. jetMESSENGER® is also perfectly suitable for reprogramming experiments in fibroblasts and stem cells (Table 1).

Easy to use
mRNA transfection is as easy as DNA transfection: just dilute the mRNA in the provided buffer, add jetMESSENGER® to the diluted mRNA and add the mix to the cells’ growth medium in presence/absence of serum (compatible with antibiotics) (Fig. 3).

Extremely gentle to cells
By eliminating the need to reach the nucleus for efficient expression, jetMESSENGER® allows transfection of quiescent and slow dividing cells. In addition, jetMESSENGER® operates through an extremely gentle process. Cell viability remains extremely high during transfection and cell morphology is maintained (Fig. 4). Make your transfection experiments physiologically relevant!
Fig. 4. jetMESSENGER® provides a better cell viability and a higher protein expression than DNA transfection. Primary Rat Cortical neurons, Hep G2 and mouse stem cells were analyzed 48 h after transfection using phase contrast and fluorescent microscopy. The transfections were performed with jetMESSENGER®/eGFP mRNA (5meC, pseudo-uridine, Trilink™) and L2K/eGFP plasmid DNA according to the manufacturers’ recommendations for each reagent.
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